How Do Bad Guys Break Into Corporate Computer Networks?

19 November 2020
 Categories: Technology, Blog

For most folks outside of the cybersecurity services field, it can be hard to imagine how someone breaks into a network. There are, however, a handful of relatively easy-to-understand ways that malicious parties will attempt to get into an organization's systems. Let's look at four of the most common attack vectors. Probing for Open Ports A port is a communication channel that a computer system uses to talk with other devices. Read More 

How Machine Vision Technology Can Help Manufacturers Today

24 August 2020
 Categories: Technology, Blog

There are a lot of incredible machines used in business today, but for manufacturers, machine vision technology is critical. Incorporating it into your manufacturing operations can help in the following ways. Defect Identification When manufacturing any sort of product today, there is the possibility of defects popping up. They are not good because they can hurt your company's reputation long-term. An effective way of identifying them and subsequently dealing with them accordingly is to utilize machine vision technology. Read More